Purse Snatched at Lakewood Shopping Center

As a family was leaving the Dixie House Sunday evening (April 15) about 7:30, a young African-American man jumped out of a car and snatched the woman’s purse.  The grandfather, his son, and his toddler grandson were about 20 feet ahead of the grandmother and her pregnant daughter-in-law when the purse was stolen.


The crime took place in front of Chicago Title with plenty of daylight still remaining.Â


Activities like this affect the quality of our urban life. Be alert and aware of your surroundings.Â


Also, please do not give money to the “homeless” that frequent the Lakewood Shopping Center. Most of them have criminal records and use the money to buy drugs, etc. A lot of them prefer to set up shop in Lakewood because it is a relatively affluent area. One of the “homeless” has gotten so aggressive that he parks his wheelchair behind cars so that when a car attempts to leave, it can’t until he has been able to give his speech about needing money….