Junius Heights Annual Meeting 10/29/2019

Our annual Junius Heights neighborhood meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 29, 6:30 PM at the Lakewood Library. There will be elections of offices for the next year, and information about past and upcoming happenings in the neighborhood. All residents of Junius Heights are welcome!

Annual Meeting, Thursday, October 27, 2016, 6:30PM at Lakewood Library

Annual meeting will be held Thursday, October 27, 6:30PM at the Lakewood Library.

  1. Home Tour 2016
  2. Zoning and Code
    1.     PD 99
    2.     Abrams Complete Street Project
    3.     Lakewood Shopping Center
  3. Crime and Safety
  4. Junius Heights Garden/Landscaping Competition
  5. Election of Officers

Junius Heights Annual Meeting – Oct. 29th

jhLogoThe Junius Heights Annual meeting will take place on Thursday, October 29th at the Lakewood Library.

Agenda includes the following:

  • Home Tour 2015
  • Historical marker in the Triangle Parks
  • New walking map of Junius Heights
  • Possible new developments on Paulus
  • Election of officers
  • Code enforcement
  • Holiday party
  • Historical preservation

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!