Feb. 17th 2008 crime alerts

Vehicles Vandalized

A car parked in front of a house in the 5700 block of Victor was burglarized the night of Thursday, Feb. 14. The next night, Friday, Feb. 15, a vehicle that was parked in the 5400 block of Columbia was also burglarized.

There have been a number of these incidents in both areas recently. Please report any suspicious activity to the police. Please also report all incidents.

Residences Burglarized

A house in the 700 block of Beacon had its door kicked in and property stolen on Friday, Feb. 15. The incident occurred around 6:00 a.m.

A residence in the 5300 block of Victor was burglarized early Tuesday evening, Feb. 12. Entry was made by breaking a back window.

Necklace Found on Street

An expensive-looking bracelet was found at the corner of Worth and Beacon a couple of weeks ago. A sign at the corner was unsuccessful in locating the owner. If it is yours and you can identify it, please contact pmayfield@swbell.net.

Isn’t it great we have such thoughtfulness in the neighborhood??!!