Attempt Made to Steal Car

On Sunday night, June 29, in the 5600 block of Columbia, an attempt was made to steal a ’95 Mercury Grand Marquis. A large landscaping brick was used to smash the window, scattering glass throughout the car and the street curb area. The ignition was damaged but still was serviceable. There is currently no description of any suspect(s). If you have any addition information, please call 911.

Unidentified Man Soliciting Money

Friday morning, July 4, at 5:45 a.m,. in the 5600 block of Columbia, a black man of medium build, wearing a white baseball cap, shorts, and a sky blue short sleeved shirted, knocked on an elderly woman’s door. She left the chain latched and opened the door slightly, her small dog barking ferociously. The man said his name was Stephen, that he was a neighbor, that he had seen her light was on, and asked for a quick loan to buy three gallons of gas. He claimed he would return quickly and reimburse the money.

The woman said she had no cash and the man left and did not return.

This is a ploy that has been used before in the neighborhood. Please do not give them any money but tell the scam artist you are calling 911.